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Intellectual property agency

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Legal service

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• Acting as agent for patent invalidity-related matters;

• Providing legal services to the parties involved in patent disputes and infringement cases, including consulting, assisting in investigation and evidence collection, applying for administrative mediation, and filing infringement lawsuits;

• Patent filed with customs and customs administrative investigation;

• Trademark filed with customs and customs administrative investigation;

• Trademark infringement investigation, industrial and commercial administrative investigation, infringement litigation;

• Copyright filed with customs, administrative investigation and infringement litigation;

• Domain name disputes and lawsuits;

• Issuing a warning letter;

• legal opinions, including public opinions on patent applications, analyzing opinions on the validity of authorized patents, and analyzing opinions on free use, etc.

• Acting as agent for commercial secrets, anti-unfair competition and other cases;

• Writing or reviewing agreements and contracts related to intellectual property transactions and licenses;

• Providing intellectual property management services for enterprises and formulating overall intellectual property strategy;

• Other legal services related to intellectual property.

  • ADD:Room 213,No.59-10 Wenhua Middle Road,Huancui District,Weihai 264200,Shandong Province,P.R.China
  • Tel: 0086 (631) 5690796
  • E-mail: info@ba-ip.com
  • Copyright © Weihai B&A Intellectual Property Co., Ltd.    LuICP Bei No. 16123456